5.1.1 Rights and duties of the members of the Executive Body and other office bearers: The President: The president will be responsible for overall operation of the organization. He/She shall use every effort to achieve the aims and objectives of the organization. He/She shall chair the Executive body meeting. He/ she shall nominate the regional members of the organization. He/she shall form and dissolve committees for various activities as needed for the development of the organization’s program. He must see that all the decision made in the committees are made by the majority vote. In case of a tie, he/she shall cast the deciding vote. He/she shall see that the records of all activities are kept in proper order according to the constitution and the law of the land. First Vice President: He/She shall assist and help the President in all manner possible. He/She will be responsible for developing annual program in coordination with the President and other members of the Executive Body. In case of absence of the President for more and a month he/she shall assume the role of the acting president with full power and responsibility of the President. By order of the President he/she shall chair various meetings and activities and represent the organization in various venues. Second Vice President: He/She shall assist and help the President and the first Vice President in all manner possible. He/She will be responsible for developing the public relation aspect of the organization and interact with various other organizations. He/she shall also oversee the administrative aspect of the organization in conjunction with the General Secretary and secretary. In case of absence of the President and the First vice President for more and a month he/she shall assume the role of the acting president with full power and responsibility of the President. By order of the President he/she shall chair various meetings and activities and represent the organization in various venues. General Secretary: He/she will be responsible for all administrative activities of the Organization and must work in consultation of the President and the vice presidents. He/she shall keep track of all records of all organization activities and paper trail. He/She shall keep the meeting minute and circulate it within a week of the meeting. He/She will call all General and Executive meetings and as advised by the President. He/She will be responsible for preparing annual report and present it in the annual general meeting. He/ she shall see that the organization is properly registered at the local government and keep it up-to-date Secretary: He/She will assist in all manner the General Secretary in fulfilling the objectives of the organizational activities. In case of absence of the General Secretary for more than a month He shall assume the role, duties and responsibilities of the General Secretary. He/she will also contact various organizations and personnel in developing partnership activities Treasurer: He/She shall be undertaking all activities in relation to the financial and monetary aspect of the organization. He/she shall keep track of all revenue and expenditures records donations and dues etc. He/she shall present the annual income and expenditures report at the annual General Body meeting of the organization He/She will be responsible for conducting an annual audit and the books are in order with the law of the land. He/She will be responsible for fund raising activities of the organization. Members of Executive Body: All members should attend the executive meeting and participate in a decision making process of the organization, be active and provide intellectual and creative ideas and thoughts to enhance and advance the organization.

5.2.1 Rights and Duties of the members of the Organization The member who forms the main body of the organization

has the right to cast vote for electing the members of the Executive Body. He/she shall be called upon to vote for other issues like constitution amendments and other issues. He/she must try their best to participate in person. He/she may appoint a proxy to cast his/her votes but this has to done as per rules and regulations defined by the Executive body. Voting is the basis right of the members. Each member must exercise this right according to his/her conscience. A members can be elected or nominated to various offices of the organization. He must make it his responsibility and duty to participate in the meetings and activities of the Organization as called upon by the Executive body for the development of the organization. In order for any member to run for an elected office he must have participated actively in the organization in various capacities and must have been member of one working committee. His candidacy shall be proposed by one member, seconded by another and endorsed by one of the founding members. The endorsement of a founding members shall be required for the first two elections only. Then-after endorsement of founding members is not required. No one founding member shall endorse two candidates for the same post. members of the organization can participate in all activities of the organization but does not have the right to vote or run for election. However, they may be appointed or nominated by the President in consultation with the Executive Body to serve in any of the committees formed by the Executive Body. Associate members can become a general member ( hereafter called the member), if he/she wishes to, after an introductory period of one year. His/her application must be endorsed by one member of the organization and approved by the Executive body. He may thereafter vote and run for office as per article The member of the general body shall be the guiding body of the organization to see that the various activities of the Organization are in conformance with the constitution of the Organization. It is his duty to bring to the notice of all if any article of the Constitution has been violated so that immediate remedial step can be undertaken to rectify the mistake. A voting member can floor the Vote of No Confidence to remove the Executive committee or a member of the Executive committee, or any other committee or individual of office by submitting written petition with signature of at least 10% of the voting members to the general meeting. The Vote of No confidence has to be approved by 66.66% of the voting members of the organization in order to be implemented.

5.3.1 Rights and Duties of Members of the Advisory Board: All Members of the Advisory Board shall be a source of advice, experience and information for the President, the Executive Body and all other members of the Organization. They are only a consultative body and shall not do anything to influence any activities of the organization such as election or other policy matters in direct or indirect way.


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