Dear NOA Friends, Family and Community Members,

Jwajolopa!! Namaste!!

Newah Organization of America (NOA) would like to thank you all – participants, medias and other supporters for joining to show your love and support to our mother language Nepal Bhasa movie “TAPALAY” which premiered on Sunday, December 20, 2015. More than 120 people came to watch together the premiere show of movie and it was a great success!!.

We would like to extend our special thanks to the following persons for their unconditional heartily supported for this movie show.

Mr. Rajesh Shrestha
Mr. Season Shrestha
Mr. Jayambu Ranjit
Mr. Rakesh Tuladhar
Mr. Prabin Tamrakar
Mr. Uday Shrestha
and Ms. Sunita Amatya

NOA would like to thank you and its representative Mr. Bijay Thapa for the coverage of the event. Special appreciation goes to Mr. Pushkar Prajapati for his efforts on co-coordinating for the “Tapalay” movie premiere, including planning and the arrangements. Special thanks to Mr. Kiran Ken Ranjit and Mr. Yagya man Shakya for helping to promote the movie through the social media and creating a nice videos of the event respectively.

We would like to extend its sincere appreciation to Fenwick Beer and Wine, Aero Nepal Travel, and Airzone Travel for their sponsor and continued support to NOA. NOA would like to thank you Cinema Arts Theater, Mr. Cris and his team for providing venue and arrangements for the movie show.

The proceeds from the movie will go to support rebuilding and recovery efforts for Nepal Earthquake victims. Thank you on behalf of the Nepal earthquake victims for your continuing strong support!!

We are looking forward for your continued support and participation in the NOA’s future events.

Movie show pictures:

Movie review video:

The Executive Committee,
Newah Organization of America

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December 21st, 2015

Posted In: News

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