Dear NOA Friends, Family and Community Members:


Jwojolapa! Namaste!
Newah Organization of America (NOA) cordially invites you to join us to listen and watch together music video release of movie called “The Legend of Shankhadhar”. The music video will be relaeased in Washington DC, London, and Nepal in the same day. The movie “ShankhadharYaa Baakha:” (The Legend of Shankhadhar) will be the first animated feature film of Nepal and will be in Nepalbhasha and Nepali languages with English subtitles. Please click below at for more info.


It is a great pride to share this news that NOA is the official sole presenter and distributor of the movie in USA. The movie will be released on Nhu Daya Bhintuna day (Nepal Sambat 1137) this October in the UK. Please keep in tune for future announcement for the movie premiere show.


Free Entrance

Please visit for more details on or or

For any further information, Please contact us:


Thank you for your continued support! We appreciate your time and look forward to seeing you at the event. We would like to apologize for a short time notice



The Executive Committee,

Newah Organization of America

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August 2nd, 2016

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